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Edgar Degas 埃德加·德加作品
发布时间:2009/7/2  阅读次数:3240  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Four Dancers Ballet Rehearsal on the Set Dance Class Ballet Rehearsal on Stage
Ballet Scene Dancers Practicing at the Bar Blue Dancers Dancers in the Old Opera House
The Star Dancers Climbing a Stair The Song Rehearsal Ballet Class
Dance Class At the Beach Bather Streched Out on the Floor The Suffering of the City of New Orleans
On the Racing Field Semiramis Building Babylon Spartan Girls Challenging Boys At the Races, Amateur Jockeys
At the Milliner's Woman with Chrysanthemums The Tub The Tub
Woman Combing Her Hair The Races. Before the Start The Rape Mlle La La at the Circus Fernando
Mme Eugenie Fiocre in the Ballet "La Source" Orchestra Musicians The Dead Fox The Pedicurist
Edgar Degas 埃德加·德加及作品简介:
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