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Eugène Delacroix 欧仁·德拉克罗瓦作品
发布时间:2009/7/3  阅读次数:3719  字体大小: 【】 【】【
A Vase of Flowers on a Console Bouquet of Flowers Liberty Leading the People Arab Saddling His Horse
Still Life with Lobsters The Barque of Dante The Death of Sardanapalus The Entry of the Crusaders into Constantinople
A Mortally Wounded Brigand Quenches His Thirst A Young Tiger Playing with its Mother Arab Horses Fighting in a Stable Cleopatra and the Peasant
Female Nude Reclining on a Divan The Duke of Orléans showing his Lover Medea about to Kill Her Children Greece on the Ruins of Missolonghi
Mlle Rose Odalisque Reclining on a Divan Odalisque Woman with a Parrot
Hamlet and Horatio in the Graveyard Odalisque The Fanatics of Tangier Women of Algiers in Their Apartment
Michelangelo in His Studio The Abduction of Rebecca The Bride of Abydos The Sultan of Morocco and His Entourage
Arabs Skirmishing in the Mountains Columbus and His Son at La Rábida Frescoes on the west wall Heliodorus Driven from the Temple
Apollo Slays Python The Lion Hunt in Marocco The Sea from the Heights of Dieppe The Shipwreck of Don Juan
Eugène Delacroix 欧仁·德拉克罗瓦及作品简介:
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