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Edouard Vuillard 爱德华·维亚尔作品
发布时间:2009/7/3  阅读次数:5524  字体大小: 【】 【】【
French Flowers Woman in Pink Interior with Hanging Lamp Figure in front of a Window with Drawn Curtains The Green Interior or Figure in front of a Window with Drawn Curtains The Stripped Blouse
After the Meal Flowers on a Mantlepiece in Clayes Linen Closet Tapestry or Embroiderers Two Schoolchildren. Public Gardens
Girls Walking Biahna Duhamel in "Miss Helyett" Countess Jean de Polignac The Breakfast/Le Breakfast Young Woman in a Room
Lenght of Thread or Interior with Sewing Women Lady in Blue/La Dame en bleu Still Life with Salad Greens The Boulevard of Batignolles The Family After the Meal or The Green Diner
Children in a Room Claude Bernheim de Villers Old Woman in Interior Studio or The Suitor The Dress with Foliage/La robe à ramages
An Interior, Evening Effect or Interior with Wardrobe Dr. Georges Viau in His Office Treating Annette Roussel Old Woman in front of the Fireplace Under the Lamp or Two Women Under the Lamp In Bed/Au lit
Edouard Vuillard 爱德华·维亚尔及作品简介:
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