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Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky 伊凡·康斯坦丁诺维奇·艾瓦佐夫斯基作品
发布时间:2009/7/7  阅读次数:5528  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Sunset at Sea The Sea. Koktebel The Tenth Wave View of Odessa by Moonlight
Moonlit Night. A Bathing Hut in Feodosia On the Island of Rhodes View of Constantinople by Moonlight View of the Sea from the Mountains at Sunset. Crimea
Reval (Tallinn) Storm The Roads at Kronstadt Seashore. Calm
The Great Roads at Kronstadt View of the Leander Tower in Constantinople Fishermen on the Shore Towers on the Rock Near Bosporus
Meeting of the Brig Mercury with the Russian Squadron After the Defeat of Two Turkish Battleships On the Island of Crete Moonlit Night The Bay of Naples by Moonlight
Windmill on the Sea Coast Mountain Village Gunib in Daghestan Stormy Sea View of the Cost Near St. Petersburg
The Battle of Chesme Shipwreck The Coast at Amalfi View of the Sea by Moonlight
Breakers on the Crimean Coast The Billow The Caucasian Range from the Sea The Mary Caught in a Storm
Seashore Storm The Rainbow The Black Sea
The Caucasus Malta. Valetto Harbour The Battle in the Chios Channel Ivan Aivazovsky and Ilya Repin. Pushkin's Farewell to the Sea
Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky 伊凡·康斯坦丁诺维奇·艾瓦佐夫斯基及作品简介:
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