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John Atkinson Grimshaw 约翰·阿特金森·格里姆肖作品
发布时间:2009/7/8  阅读次数:3801  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Forge Valley, Scarborough Greenock Greenock Dock Humber dockside, Hull
Sixty-Years Ago Whitby from Scotch Head Autumn Morning Roundhaylake, From Castle
The Turn of the Road Wharfedale The Thames Below London Bridge Whitby from Scotch Head
November Afternoon, Stapleton Park The Lighthouse At Scarborough Whitby Docks Evening, Knostrop Old Hall
Knostrop Hall, Early Morning Stapleton Park near Pontefract Glasgow Docks Gourock, Near The Clyde Shipping Docks
Humber dockside, Hull Liverpool Customs House The Heron's Haunt Evening, Whitby Harbour
Autumn I The Lady of Shalott Endymion on Mount Latmus A Wintry Moon
Iris Midsummer Night Spirit of the Night Day Dreams
A Manor House in Autumn The Old Hall Under Moonlight A Lane In Headingley, Leeds Landscape with a winding river
Lane In Cheshire The Cradle Song Twilight, The Vegetable Garden A Golden Beam
The Lovers Hampstead Bowder Stone, Borrowdale November Moonlight
John Atkinson Grimshaw 约翰·阿特金森·格里姆肖及作品简介:
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