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Jean-Antoine Watteau 让·安东尼·华多作品
发布时间:2010/8/8  阅读次数:4823  字体大小: 【】 【】【
A Garden Party Assembly in a Park A Love Festival The Bird Nester Récréation Italienne
A Capricious Woman Satire on Physicians Mezzetin Happy Pierrot The Dance. Detail
The Shepherds French Commedians Autumn Jupiter and Antiope. Ceres (Summer)
A Love Festival. Detail La Gamme d'Amour The Marriage Contract The Judgement of Paris A Love Festival
Récréation Italienne Sous un Habit de Mezetin Les Champs-Elysées The Shepherds Embarkation for Cythera
The Savoyard with a Marmot L'Indifférent (The Casual Lover) Pierrot, also known as Gilles Arlequin, Pierrot and Scapin Le Faux Pas (The Mistaken Advance)
Rest on the Flight into Egypt Love in the French Theather Love in the French Theather Arlecchino Emperor in the Moon Love in the Italian Theather
Love in the Italian Theather Voulez-vous triompher des belles Embarkation for Cythera Embarkation for Cythera Courtly Gathering in a Park
Jean-Antoine Watteau 让·安东尼·华多及作品简介:
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