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Jean-Leon Gerome 让·里奥·杰洛姆作品
发布时间:2011/2/10  阅读次数:5347  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Arab Encampment Bathsheba The Arab and his Steed Prayer in the Desert The Syrian Shepherd
The Tulip Folly The Serpent Charmer View of Paestum Polyphemus View of Cairo
An Arab Caravan outside a Fortified Town, Egypt Cemetary of Green Mosque at Broussa Bathers by the Edge of a River The Reception of the Siamese Ambassadors at Fontainebleau The Age of Augustus, the Birth of Christ
Public Prayer in the Mosque of Amr, Cairo Harem Women Feeding Pigeons in a Courtyard Heads of the Rebel Beys at the Mosque of El Hasanein, Cairo The Grey Cardinal (L'Eminence Grise) The Sentinel at the Sultan's Tomb
Camels at the Trough Memnon and Sesostris Harem in the Kiosk Excursion of the Harem The Prisoner
The Day of the Last Judgment Arabs Crossing the Desert Prayer on the Rooftops of Cairo Prayer in the House of an Arnaut Chief Mufti Reading in His Prayer Stool
Leaving the Mosque A Cairene Amorer Harem Pool Slave Auction Arabs Arguing
The Death of Caesar Cupid takes flight Whirling Dervishes The Grief of the Pasha King Candaules
A Hot Day in Cairo Solomon's Wall Jerusalem Bacchus and Cupid An Arab and his Dogs The Standard Bearer
The Christian Martyrs' Last Prayer Socrates seeking Alcibiades in the House of Aspasia A Moorish Bath - Turkish Woman Bathing The Teaser of the Narghile A Bath, Woman Bathing Her Feet
The Muezzin Pelt Merchant of Cairo Diogenes Slave Market Another View of the Queen's Disgrace and Shame
Pygmalion and Galatea The Artist Model Cleopatra Before Caesar Portrait of a Lady The Republic
Veiled Circassian Lady Portrait of Mlle Durand The Cock Fight Nude Woman Self-Portrait Marie Bouliard, as Aspasia
Jean-Leon Gerome 让·里奥·杰洛姆及作品简介:
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