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Correggio 柯勒乔作品
发布时间:2010/10/3  阅读次数:4066  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Allegory of the Vices Allegory of the Virtues Noli me tangere Danae Apostle Simon
Judith Leda and Swan John the Evangelist Diana Portrait of a Lady
Madonna del Latte Portrait of a Young Man Venus, Satyr and Cupid Salvator Mundi Zeus and Io
The Punishment of Juno. View of the ceiling Three Graces. View of the ceiling Madonna and Child with St. George Vision of St. John the Evangelist General View of the Abess' Room
Madonna and Child with St. Sebastian The Abduction of Ganymede The Adoration of the Child The Assumption of the Virgin Madonna and Child with St. John
The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine, with St. Sebastian; in the Background is the Martyrdom of Two Saints Adoration of the Shepherds (The Holy Night) Madonna and Child in Glory with Angels The Rest on the Flight into Egypt Mercury with Venus and Cupid (The School of Love)
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