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William Hogarth 威廉·荷加斯作品
发布时间:2009/8/3  阅读次数:6235  字体大小: 【】 【】【
The Graham Children The Mackinen Children The Fishing Party Satan, Sin and Death
After (Outdoor Scene) The Ashley and Popple Family Moses Brought to Pharoah's Daughter Canvassing for Votes
The Strode Family An Election Entertainment The Polling The Marriage Contract
Shortly After the Marriage Chairing the Member The Lady's Last Stake The Wedding of Stephen Bechingham and Mary Cox
The Death of the Earl The Suicide of the Countess A Scene from the Beggar's Opera The Tavern Scene. (A Rake's Progress)
The Denunciation The Theft of a Watch The Good Samaritan Surrounded by Artists and Professors. (A Rake's Progress)
The Visit to the Quack Doctor The March to Finchley Southwark Fair The Pool of Bethesda
Sigismonda David Garrick with His Wife Eva-Maria Veigel "La Violette" or "Violette" Mary Edwards Captain Thomas Coram
The Shrimp Girl Mrs. Catherine Edwards Self-Portrait with Pug-Dog Hogarth's Servants
William Hogarth 威廉·荷加斯及作品简介:
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