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Jean-Baptiste Simeon Chardin 让·巴蒂斯特·西梅翁·夏尔丹作品
发布时间:2009/7/7  阅读次数:4189  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Grapes and Pomegranates A Lean Diet with Cooking Utensils Glass of Water and a Coffee Pot The Brioche
The Silver Tureen Copper Cauldron with Three Eggs Still Life with Pestle, Bowl, Copper Cauldron, Onions, and a Knife The Olive Jar
Pears, Walnuts, and a Glass of Wine The Attributes of the Sciences The Attributes of Music Basket of Wild Strawberries
The Smoker's Case A Copper Saucepan, A Pestle And Mortar, Pottery Pitcher, Scallion The Silver Goblet The Ray-Fish
Still Life with Attributes of the Arts The Attributes of the Arts and Their Rewards The Butler's Table The Fast Day Meal
Still Life with Plums The Jar of Apricots A Basket of Peaches The Billiard Game
Carnations, Tuberoses and Sweet Peas Game Still-Life with Hunting Dog Still-Life with Dead Pheasant and Hunting Bag Rabbit with Copper Cauldron and Quince
Wild Rabbit with Game-Bag and Powder Flask A Green-Neck Duck with a Seville Orange The Buffet Carafe, Silver Goblet and Fruit
The Silver Goblet Soap Bubbles The Young Draughtsman The Embroiderer
Jean-Baptiste Simeon Chardin 让·巴蒂斯特·西梅翁·夏尔丹及作品简介:
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