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Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto 雅可布·洛布斯提·丁托列托作品
发布时间:2009/7/8  阅读次数:2349  字体大小: 【】 【】【
The Birth of Saint John the Baptist The Stealing of the Dead Body of Saint Mark The Conversion of Saul Saint Mary Magdalen Saint Mary of Egypt
The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes The Miracle of Manna The Last Supper Christ Carrying the Cross The Ascension of Christ
Christ in the House of Martha and Mary Brazen Serpent Christ before Pilate The Adoration of the Shepherds The Prayer in the Garden
Moses Drawing Water from the Rock La Probatica Piscina Saint Mark Rescuing a Saracen from Shipwreck Agony In The Garden Christ at the Sea of Galilee
Marriage at Cana The Circumcision The Birth of Saint John the Baptist The Adoration of the Magi The Flight into Egypt
Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto 雅可布·洛布斯提·丁托列托及作品简介:
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