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Nikolay Gay 尼古拉·盖伊作品
发布时间:2009/7/12  阅读次数:3042  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Carrara Florence. The Cascina Park Livorno. Road to the Sea at Antiniano near Livorno The Transportation of Marble at Carrara Vineyard at Vico
Christ and the Disciples Going out into the Garden of Gethsemane after the Last Supper Florence Harbingers of the Resurrection Marble Quarry at Carrara Sunset on the Sea at Livorno
Achilles Lamenting the Death of Patroclus Leila and Khaji-Abrek Portrait of Natalia Petrunkevich Quod Est Veritas Christ and Pilate The Judgment of King Solomon
Portrait of Leo Tolstoy Portrait of Maria Tolstaya, Leo Tolstoy's Daughter Portrait of Nikolay Gay, the Artist's Grandson Portrait of the Artist's Wife Anna Gay, née Zabela Young Italian Woman in a Folk Costume
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