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Jacques Louis David 雅克·路易·大卫作品
发布时间:2009/8/1  阅读次数:4138  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Sappho and Phaon Leonidas at Thermopylae Antiochus and Stratonice The Oath of Horatii Death of Marat
View of the Garden of the Luxembourg Palace Bonaparte Crossing the St. Bernard Pass The Intervention of the Sabine Women The Love of Paris and Helen Andromache Mourning Hector
The Oath of Horatii. The Combat of Mars and Minerva Napoleon in His Study Sorrow Portrait of Mme Récamier
Portrait of Count Stanislas Potocki Portrait of Charlotte and Zénaide Bonaparte Portrait of Emilie Sériziat and Her Son Portrait of Madame Charles-Louis Trudaine Portrait of Doctor Alphonse Leroy
Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon I and Coronation of the Empress Josephine in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris on 2 December 1804 St. Roch Interceding with the Virgin for the Plague Striken Portrait of Antoine-Laurent and Marie-Anne Lavoisier Portrait of Madame de Verninac, née Henriette Delacroix, Sister of Eugène Delacroix Portrait of Marie-Françoise Buron, the Artist's Cousin
Jacques Louis David 雅克·路易·大卫及作品简介:
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