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Alexander Ivanov 亚历山大·伊凡诺夫作品
发布时间:2009/8/6  阅读次数:2400  字体大小: 【】 【】【
A Tree Branch Stones on a River Shore Via Appia Italian Landscape
A Tree over Water in the Vicinity of Castel-Gandolfo Water and Stones Near Palacculo Olives Near Cemetery in Albano. New Moon The Bay of Naples Near Castellmare
On the Shore of the Bay of Naples The Appearance of Christ to the People Apollo, Hyacinthus and Cyparissus Singing and Playing Music Priam Asking Achilles to Return Hector's Body
Seven Boys in Colourful Clothes Joseph's Brothers Find the Silver Goblet in the Benjamin's Pack The Appearance of Christ to Mary Magdalene Nude Boy on a White Blanket
Joseph Interprets the Butler's and the Baker's Dreams in a Prison The Appearance of Christ to the People Girl from Albano Standing in the Doorway Festival in Rome in October. Scene in the Loggia
A Bridegroom Buying a Ring for His Fiancee Ave Maria Portrait of Vittoria Marini Head of John the Baptist
Head of a Man Head of a Young Man Head of John the Evangelist Sketch of a Man
Alexander Ivanov 亚历山大·伊凡诺夫及作品简介:
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