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Nicolas Poussin 尼古拉斯·普桑作品
发布时间:2009/8/23  阅读次数:22027  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Diana and Endymion Echo and Narcissus Eliezer and Rebecca Helios and Phaeton with Saturn and the Four Seasons
Mars and Venus Achilles and Daughters of Lycomede Acis and Galathea Adoration of the Shepherds
Apollo and Muses The Holy Family The Assumption of the Virgin The Assumption of the Virgin
The Ecstasy of St. Paul Queen Zenobia Found on the Banks of the Arax Pharaoh's Daughter Finds Baby Moses Bacchanalia
Esther Before Assuerus The Annunciation Tancred and Erminia Midas Bathing in Pactolus
The Inspiration of the Poet Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite The Holy Family St. Cecilia
Holy Family with John the Baptist and St. Elizabeth Gathering of Manna Landscape with Orpheus and Eurydice Landscape with St. James in Patmos
Landscape with the Cinders of Phocion Renaud and Armide Renaud and Armide Rest on the Flight to Egypt
Tancrede and Erminia The Holy Family The Noble Deed of Scipio The Spring. Adam and Eve in Paradise
Landscape with Pyram and Thisbe Summer. Ruth and Boaz The Infant Jupiter Nurtured by the Goat Amalthea Landscape with Funeral of Phocion
Nicolas Poussin 尼古拉斯·普桑及作品简介:
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