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Lorenzo Lotto 罗伦左·拉多作品
发布时间:2009/8/30  阅读次数:4323  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Allegory St. Jerome in the Desert Susanna and the Elders Sleeping Apollo, Muses and Fama The Legend of St. Barbara
St. Lucia before the Judge Christ and the Adulteress Madonna with Child, St. Catherine, and St. Jacob Christ Taking Leave of His Mother San Bernandino Altarpiece
Venus and Cupid. Wings of a triptych: St. Sebastian (left); St. Christopher (right) Portrait of Messer Marsilio and His Wife Husband and Wife Portrait of a Young Man against a White Curtain
Lady with a Drawing of Lucretia St. Catherine Portrait of Messer Marsilio and His Wife Husband and Wife Portrait of a Young Man against a White Curtain
A Young Man Portrait of a Young Man with a Book Portrait of Andrea Odoni The Carrying of the Cross An Architect
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