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Jean Fouquet 让·富盖作品
发布时间:2009/9/17  阅读次数:3297  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Report of Saul's Death to David Visitation Second Annunciation St. Marguerite St. Martin
Diptych de Melun. Madonna and Child Pieta Portrait of Guillaume Jouvenel des Ursins, the Chancellor of Charles VII Diptych de Melun. Etienne Chevalier Presented by St. Stephen. Right panel Portrait of the Ferrara Court Jester Gonella
Pompey in the Temple of Jerusalem The taking of Jerusalem by Herod the Great Construction of the Temple of Jerusalem The Battle of Gilboa Fouquet depicts Charles VII as one of the three mages. This is one of the very few portraits of the king. According to some sources, the other two mages are the Dauphin Louis, future Louis XI, and his brother
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