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Annibale Carracci 阿尼巴尔·卡拉齐作品
发布时间:2010/10/4  阅读次数:2653  字体大小: 【】 【】【
River Landscape Fishing f_egypt Rest on Flight into Egypt
Assumption of the Virgin Butcher's Shop Crucifixion Domine quo vadis
Lamentation of Christ St Margaret Sleeping Venus The Choice of Heracles
Pietà Venus and Adonis The Baptism of Christ Christ in Glory
The Beaneater Two Children Teasing a Cat Assumption of the Virgin Mary Venus with a Satyr and Cupids
Madonna Enthroned with St Matthew Pietà with Sts Francis and Mary Magdalen The Virgin Appears to Sts Luke and Catherine The Samaritan Woman at the Well
The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine Translation of the Holy House The Penitent Magdalen in a Landscape The Coronation of St Stephen
Landscape with the Toilet of Venus The Martyrdom of St Stephen The Stoning of St Stephen The Temptation of St Anthony Abbot
Annibale Carracci 阿尼巴尔·卡拉齐及作品简介:
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