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Simon Vouet 乌埃作品
发布时间:2011/9/10  阅读次数:3388  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Allegory of Peace Allegory of Virtue Allegory Of Prudence Allegory of Wealth Crucifixion
Madonna And Child Madonna with Child The Last Supper Christ On The Cross Toilet of Venus
Allegorical Portrait of Anna of Austria as Minerva Father Time Overcome by Love, Hope and Beauty The Presentation In The Temple Sophonisba Receiving the Poisoned Chalice Conquered by Amor, Venus and Hope
The Toilet of Venus Venus and Adonis Saint Cecilia Diana Birth of the Virgin
Saint Jerome And The Angel Saint Mary Magdalene Mary Magdalen Repentant The Muses Urania And Calliope Ceres And Harvesting Cupids
Sleeping Venus.jpg The Fortuneteller Virgin and Child Saint Catherine Magdalene
Prince Marcantonio Doria Eight Satyrs Admiring the Anamorphosis of an Elephant Parnassus or Apollo and the Muses Portrait of Giulio Strozza Portrait of Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal de Richelieu
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