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Willem van de Velde 威廉·梵·德·维尔德作品
发布时间:2011/11/22  阅读次数:2396  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Ships in a Calm Sea Ships off the Coast Calm Sea The Cannon Shot
Marine Landscape The Gust The Battle at Texel Shipping in Heavy Seas
An Indiaman in a Gale off a Rocky Coast Calm - Dutch Ships Coming to Anchor Warships at Amsterdam Ships on a Stormy Sea
Calm - Dutch Smalschips and a Rowing Boat Small Craft in a Calm off the Dutch Coast Small English Ship Dismasted in a Gale The Gouden Leeuw before Amsterdam
The Dutch Fleet in the Goeree Straits (Guinea) The Gouden Leeuw before Amsterdam (detail) The Taking of the English Flagship the Royal Prince The Taking of the English Flagship the Royal Prince (detail)
Willem van de Velde 威廉·梵·德·维尔德及作品简介:
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