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Pieter Saenredam 彼得·萨恩列达姆作品
发布时间:2011/12/4  阅读次数:3728  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Catholic Baptism Scene in the South Aisle of the Saint Bavo Church at Haarlem Interior of the St Jacob Church in Utrecht Interior of the Church of St Bavo in Haarlem Interior of the Church of St. Bavo in Haarlem Choir of the Saint Pieter Church at 's-Hertogenbosch
Interior of the Church of St Bavo at Haarlem The Interior of the Buurkerk at Utrecht Interior of the Church of St Anne in Haarlem Choir of St. Bavo, Haarlem Interior of the Choir of St Bavo at Haarlem
Interior of the Buurkerk, Utrecht Interior of the Church of St Odulphus, Assendelft The Buurkerk at Utrecht Interior of the St. Jans Kerk at Utrecht Saint Martin's Cathedral at Utrecht - ship and choir seen from the west
Interior of St Bavo's Church in Haarlem Interior of the Church in Alkmaar St Mary's Square and St Mary's Church at Utrecht The West Front of St Mary's Church, Utrecht The Old Town Hall in Amsterdam
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