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Jan van Goyen 扬·凡·戈延作品
发布时间:2011/12/5  阅读次数:3213  字体大小: 【】 【】【
An Estuary Scene Dune Landscape Dunes Haarlemmer Meer
Haymaking River Scene Landscape with Oak Village at the River
Landscape with Two Oaks View of Nijmegen View of the Merwede before Dordrecht Farmyard with Haystack
River Landscape with a Cattle-Ferry View of Leiden from the Northeast A View on the Maas near Dordrecht Beach at Scheveningen
Peasant Huts with a Sweep Well Landscape with a Peasant Cottage Horse Cart on a Bridge River Landscape with a Windmill and a Ruined Castle
Winter Landscape Winter on the River Seashore at Scheveningen Landscape with Dunes
View of The Hague in Winter The Rhine at Arnhem View of Leiden View of the Haarlemmermeer
View of Dordrecht from the Oude Maas Windmill by a River Landscape with Skaters Skaters in front of a Medieval Castle
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