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Giovanni Boldini 乔瓦尼·波蒂尼作品
发布时间:2011/12/11  阅读次数:4168  字体大小: 【】 【】【
The Laundry The Hammock The Red Umbrella Crossing the Street The Summer Stroll or Afternoon Stroll
The Beauty Before The Mirror Woman at a Piano Lina Bilitis, with Two Pekinese Figura Femminile View of Venice
The Conversation Reclining Nude The Letter Gladys Deacon Mme Eugène-Louis Doyen
Anita de la Ferie, 'The Spanish Dancer' Madame Juillard In Red Portrait of Emiliana Concha de Ossa Mlle. de Gillespie, 'La Dame de Biarritz' Mrs. Howard-Jouhston (Dolly Baird of Dunbarton)
Consuelo Vanderbilt (1876–1964), Duchess of Marlborough, and Her Son, Lord Ivor Spencer-Churchill Madame Georges Hugo (Jeanne Hugo) and Her Son, Charles Daudet Madame Josephina Alvear de Errazuriz Marchesa Luisa Casati, with a Greyhound Portrait of Madame Pages in Evening Dress
Countess Zichy Giovinetta Errazuriz The Black Sash Miss Lanthelme Mrs Henry Lehr
Signorina Concha de Ossa Princess Anastasia of Greece Portrait of Donna Franca Florio. Rita de Acosta Lydig Mrs. Brown in the Evening Dress
Lady Colin Campbell The Mondona Singer rence, Mrs. (later Lady) Lionel Phillips The Woman in Red Ritratto Mary Donegan
Madame Leclanche Lady with Flowers Princes Radziwill with red ribbon Lina Cavalieri Madame Rejane
Giovanni Boldini 乔瓦尼·波蒂尼及作品简介:
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