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John Pugh 约翰·普格作品
发布时间:2011/12/24  阅读次数:2669  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Art in Public Places, Miami, Florida A wall mural on a sidewalk in Sarasota County Health Center, Florida Art in Public Places, Miami, Florida Art in Public Places, Tehachapi CA
Wonder wave - John Pugh's Mana Nalu mural in Honolulu. Fire crews rushed to save the children from the mighty wave - before realising it was an optical illusion Michael Lane and Associates, Los Gatos, CA Art in Public Places, Tehachapi CA A mural entitled Art Imitating Life Imitating Art Imitating Life, at the Cafe Trompe L'oeil, in San Jose, California
Greek tragedy - But the Doric-style columns apparently exposed in this university hall are nothing but paint John inserts a passer-by into the mural painted in Santa Cruz, California, entitled Bay in a Bottle, who is watching the ocean scene Having a cow - Valentine's Day, a mural unveiled during the Global Mural Conference in Twentynine Palms, California Treasure trove - An Egyptian style mural adorns a wall in Los Gatos, California. Pugh paints people into the mural to heighten the 3D effect
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