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Henry Moore 亨利·摩尔作品
发布时间:2012/5/14  阅读次数:3276  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Sir Anthony Caro, Dream City (1996), rusting steel, at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park Prato-Monument in Piazza San Marco Two Large Forms, 1966-1969, outside of the Art Gallery of Ontario Wall Relief no. 1, Bouwcentrum in Rotterdam, 1955
Kew Gardens, London, at an extensive exhibition of his work in 2007 Double Oval, 1966, Henry Moore Foundation Large Divided Oval: Butterfly (1985-1986), Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin Knife Edge – Two Piece (1962) is a bronze opposite the House of Lords, London
Hill Arches, (1972-1973), Bronze, National Gallery of Australia Draped Seated Figure at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Reclining Figure (1951), Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge Moore's bronze "Die Liegende" (located in Stuttgart) is typical of his early reclining figures
Three Way Piece No. 2 (The Archer), (1964-1965), Toronto City Hall Nathan Phillips Square Oval with Points, (1968-1970), Henry Moore Foundation Three Piece Reclining figure No.1, (1961), Yorkshire Sculpture Park Two Piece Reclining Figure No. 5, Bronze, (1963–1964), in the grounds of Kenwood House, London
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