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Vasily Tropinin 瓦西里·特罗平宁作品
发布时间:2012/11/24  阅读次数:3175  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Girl with a Pot of Roses Gold-Embroideress Portrait of Karl Brulloff The Lace-Maker Portrait of N.A. Maikov
Portrait of E. V. Kireyevskaya Portrait of I. I. Dmitriyev Portrait of K. A. Leberecht Portrait of N. A. Selivanovsky Portrait of the Dancer T. S. Karpakova
Portrait of A. I. Tropinina, the Artist's Wife A Spinner Portrait of the Writer I. N. Kozhina Portrait of the Prince P. I. Bagration Portrait of S. K. Sukhanov
Woman in the Window (Wife of a Treasurer) Portrait of Countess N. A. Zubova Head of a Boy. Portrait of A. V. Tropinin Portrait of Yu. F. Samarin in the Hunting Dress Portrait of D. P. Voyeikov with His Daughter and the Governess Miss Sorock
Vasily Tropinin 瓦西里·特罗平宁及作品简介:
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