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Pieter Bruegel the Elder 老彼得·勃鲁盖尔作品
发布时间:2010/4/10  阅读次数:5379  字体大小: 【】 【】【

The Hunters in the Snow Haymaking Storm at Sea The Bay of Naples
The Corn Harvest The Gloomy Day The Return of the Herd The Suicide of Saul
Landscape with the Fall of Icarus Bruegel or his follower. The Temptation of St. Anthony Landscape with Christ Appearing to the Apostles at the Sea of Tiberias Adoration of the Magi in Winter Landscape
Winter Landscape with Skaters The Numbering at Bethlehem A Peasant Couple Attacked by Robbers The Massacre of the Innocents
Children's Games 'Dulle Griet' (Mad Meg) The Peasant Wedding The Tower of Babel
The Flemish Proverbs The Triumph of Death The Parable of the Blind The Land of Cockaigne
The Fight between Carnival and Lent The Adoration of the Kings The Fall of the Rebel Angels The Procession to Calvary
The Fight between Carnival and Lent The Procession to Calvary The Conversion of St. Paul The Numbering at Bethlehem
Pieter Bruegel the Elder 老彼得·勃鲁盖尔及作品简介:
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