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Victor Vasnetsov 维克多·瓦斯涅佐夫作品
发布时间:2009/7/14  阅读次数:9073  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Akhtyrka Pond in Akhtyrka Three Bogatyrs A Knight at the Crossroads Knightly Galloping
Detail of the fresco of the choir in the Abramtsevo church The Oak Grove at Abramtsevo The Voria River's Valley near the Village of Mutovka After Prince Igor's Battle with the Polovtsy Battle of Slavs and Scythians
The Bard Bayan At a Bookseller's Kars is Taken Savka the Hunter The Magic Carpet
Alionushka The Prophet Bird Portrait of Elena Prakhova The Snow Maiden The Unsmiling Tsarevna
Ivan Tsarevich Riding the Grey Wolf Three Tsarevnas of the Underground Kingdom Portrait of Vera Mamontova Sirin and Alkonost; The Birds of Joy and Sorrow Sketch for a church in an old Russian style
A Game of Preference Moving House The Frog Tsarevna Tea-Drinking in a Tavern The Virgin and the Child
Victor Vasnetsov 维克多·瓦斯涅佐夫及作品简介:
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