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Vecellio Titian 维切里奥·提香作品
发布时间:2009/7/14  阅读次数:3710  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Flora Vanity St. Mary Magdalene Suicide of Lucretia Portrait of Isabella of Portugal
Woman with a Fruit Bowl Mater Dolorosa (with clasped hands) Gypsy Madonna Judith with the Head of Holofernes Portrait of Clarissa Strozzi
Man with a Glove The Bravo Portrait of a Man Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap Portrait of Ranuccio Farnese
Sacred and Profane Love Adam and Eve Noli me tangere Danae Danae with Nursemaid
Portrait of Eleonora Gonzaga della Rovere The Assumption of the Virgin Assumption of the Virgin Mary with the Christ Child The Assumption of the Virgin
Madonna of the Rabbit The Descent of the Holy Ghost Portrait of Emperor Charles V at Muhlberg Alfonso di'Avalos Addressing his Troops The Three Ages of Man 1511-12
Bacchanal The Annunciation Bacchus and Ariadne Bacchus and Ariadne Entry of Mary into the temple
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