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Vasily Vereshchagin 瓦西里·韦列夏金作品
发布时间:2009/8/9  阅读次数:4643  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Taj Mahal Mausoleum in Agra Monastery in a Rock. Ladakh "Captured with arms? Shoot them!" Roses in Ladakh
Picket on the Danube The Apotheosis of War Cannibal The Northern Dvina
The Mount Kazbek Ruins in Chuguchak Two Hawks (Bashibazouks) Mortally Wounded
Cannon Mounted Warrior in Jaipur Uzbek Woman in Tashkent Napoleon I on the Borodino Hights
Vasily Vereshchagin. The Return from the Petroff Palace In Defeated Moscow ("Arsonists" or "Shooting in the Kremlin") Napoleon Near Moscow, Waiting for a Boyar Deputation Site of the Battle Fought on July 18, 1877 in front of the Krishin Redoubt near Plevna
Picket in the Balkan Mountains Solomon's Wall At the Fortress Walls. "Let them Enter!" "Wait! Let' em come nearer!"
Bayonet Charge. "Hurrah! Hurrah!" In a Boat The Night Bivouac of the Great Army The Doors of Tamerlane
Spy At the Door of a Mosque Napoleon and Marshal Loriston Napoleon in the Petroff Palace
At Gorodnia. "Breakthrough or Withdraw?" On the Way. Bad News From France In the Hospital Sinto Temple in Nikko
Marshal Davout in the Chudovo Convent Letter to Mother Interrupted Letter Letter Remained Unfinished
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