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Vasiliy Polenov 瓦西里·波列诺夫作品
发布时间:2009/8/29  阅读次数:4464  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Autumn in Abramtzevo Baptism Golden Autumn Pond.
Pond in Abramtzevo Pond in the Park. Olshanka Granny's Orchard The River Oyat
The River Svinka Turgenevo Village Moscow Backyard The Birchwood Alley in Abramtzevo
Fishing Boat. Etretat. Normandy Old Gates. Normandy First Snow The River Oka
Constantinople Erechteion The Parthenon, Temple of Athena Pallas An Olive-Tree in the Garden of Gethsemane
Raising of Jairus' Daughter On the Genisaret (Tiberias) Lake The Shrine of the Metropolitan Iona in the Uspensky Cathedral The Teremny Palace
Cemetery. Sketch for the scenery Crossing of the River Oyat White Horse. Normandy "What People Think about Me"
The Arrest of a Huguenot Christ and Woman Taken in Adultery Among the Teachers Christ and Woman Taken in Adultery (detail)
Odalisque Portrait of the Narrator of the Folk Tales Nikita Bogdanov Sick Girl (detail) Dunkey-Driver in Cairo
Vasiliy Polenov 瓦西里·波列诺夫及作品简介:
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