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Anthony van Dyck 安东尼·凡·代克作品
发布时间:2009/8/7  阅读次数:5567  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Lady Borlase Lady Sherly Portrait of an Unknown Woman Queen Henrietta Maria Portrait of Lady d'Aubigny
Queen Henrietta Maria with Sir Jeffrey Hudson Portrait of Philadelphia and Elizabeth Wharton Portrait of Maria Louisa de Tassis Portrait of Marguerite of Lorraine, Duchess of Orléans Princess Mary Stuart and Prince William of Orange
Charles I and Queen Henrietta Maria with Charles, Prince of Wales and Princess Mary Charles I, King of England, at the Hunt Peter Paul Rubens and Anthony van Dyck. Mucius Scaevola Before Porsenna George Digby, 2nd Earl of Bristol and William Russell, 1st Duke of Bedford George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham and His Brother Lord Francis Villiers
Charles I, King of England Children of Charles I The Virgin and Child with Donors Moses and the Serpent Cupid and Psyche
Equestrian Portrait of Charles I, King of England Portrait of Charles V on Horseback The Rest on the Flight to Egypt St. Martin Dividing His Cloak Lord John Stuart and His Brother Lord Bernard Stuart
Susanna and the Elders St. Jerome Rinaldo and Armida The Assumption of the Virgin The Crowning with Thorns
Venus Asking Vulcan for Arms for Aeneas Philip, 4th Earl of Pembroke and His Family Presumed Portrait of the Marchesa Geronima Spinola-Doria of Genoa Portrait of Susanna Fourment and Her Daughter Portrait of Marchesa Elena Grimaldi, wife of Marchese Nicola Cattaneo
Silenus Drunk Portrait of Isabella Brant Prince Rupert von der Pfalz Cardinal Bentivoglio Philip, Lord Wharton
Portrait of Marchesa Balbi Family Portrait Frans Snyders Evangelist John Portrait of a Man in Gilt Armor
Thomas Howard, 2nd Earl of Arundel and Surrey with His Grandson Lord Maltravers James Stuart, Duke of Lennox and Richmond Equestrian Portrait of Charles I, King of England with Seignior de St. Antoine Portrait of a Commander in Armour, with a Red Scarf Paola Adorno, Marchesa Brinole-Sale with Her Son
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